
Plate 1 x 2


Light Gray

  1. x14

    Watto's Junkyard (2001)

  2. x11

    Dumbledore's Office (2002)

  3. x6

    Coast Watch HQ (2003)

  4. x6

    Flash Speeder (2000)

  5. x3

    Space Shuttle Discovery (2003)

  6. x3

    TIE Fighter (2001)

  7. x2

    Mission to Mars (2003)

  8. x2

    Lunar Lander (2003)

  9. x2

    Slytherin (2002)

  10. x1

    Ewok Attack (2002)

  11. x1

    Aragog in the Dark Forest (2002)

  12. x1

    Quidditch Practice (2002)