
Plate Round 2 x 2 with Rounded Bottom [Boat Stud]



  1. x15

    Jabba's Sail Barge (2006)

  2. x12

    Millennium Falcon (2017)

  3. x12

    X-wing Starfighter (2012)

  4. x8

    Republic Attack Gunship (2008)

  5. x5

    Slave I (2015)

  6. x4

    X-wing Fighter (2006)

  7. x2

    Tantive IV (2019)

  8. x2

    Gingerbread House (2019)

  9. x1

    Vespa 125 (2022)

  10. x1

    Bruni the Salamander Buildable Character (2021)