
Tile 1 x 6 with Groove


Light Bluish Gray

  1. x36

    Assembly Square (2017)

  2. x27

    Millennium Falcon (2017)

  3. x20

    Imperial Star Destroyer (2019)

  4. x19

    Parisian Restaurant (2014)

  5. x15

    Hogwarts Express - Collectors’ Edition (2022)

  6. x13

    Robie House (2011)

  7. x10

    Boutique Hotel (2022)

  8. x10

    Old Fishing Store (2017)

  9. x7

    James Bond Aston Martin DB5 (2018)

  10. x6

    The Eiffel Tower (2014)

  11. x5

    Slave I (2010)

  12. x4

    Back to the Future Time Machine (2022)

  13. x4

    1989 Batwing (2020)

  14. x4

    Bookshop (2020)

  15. x4

    1989 Batmobile (2019)

  16. x4

    Quinjet Aerial Battle (2012)

  17. x4

    ARC-170 Starfighter (2010)

  18. x4

    Midi-Scale Millennium Falcon (2009)

  19. x4

    Emerald Night (2009)

  20. x4

    Sears Tower (2008)

  21. x3

    Aston Martin DB5 (2022)

  22. x3

    Hogwarts Castle (2018)

  23. x3

    Volkswagen Beetle (2016)

  24. x3

    Slave I (2015)

  25. x3

    Imperial Shuttle (2010)

  26. x2

    AT-ST (2022)

  27. x2

    Mos Eisley Cantina (2020)

  28. x2

    Luke Skywalker's Landspeeder (2020)

  29. x2

    Death Star II Battle (2020)

  30. x2

    Y-Wing Starfighter (2018)

  31. x2

    Bugatti Chiron (2018)

  32. x2

    Batmobile and the Two-Face Chase (2012)

  33. x2

    T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex (2005)

  34. x1

    Jazz Quartet (2022)

  35. x1

    Pickup Truck (2021)

  36. x1

    A-Wing Starfighter (2020)

  37. x1

    Mandalorian Speeder (2013)

  38. x1

    Farnsworth House (2011)

  39. x1

    B-wing Fighter (2006)