
Plate 1 x 10


Dark Bluish Gray

  1. x20

    Millennium Falcon (2017)

  2. x12

    Hoth Rebel Base (2007)

  3. x10

    T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex (2005)

  4. x7

    Hogwarts Castle (2018)

  5. x6

    Imperial Star Destroyer (2019)

  6. x5

    The Office (2022)

  7. x4

    International Space Station (2020)

  8. x4

    Assembly Square (2017)

  9. x4

    Kylo Ren's Command Shuttle (2015)

  10. x4

    Graveyard Duel (2005)

  11. x3

    Midi-Scale Millennium Falcon (2009)

  12. x2

    Horizon Forbidden West: Tallneck (2022)

  13. x2

    Back to the Future Time Machine (2022)

  14. x2

    Sailboat Adventure (2021)

  15. x2

    Porsche 911 Turbo & 911 Targa (2021)

  16. x2

    1989 Batmobile (2019)

  17. x2

    NASA Apollo 11 Lunar Lander (2019)

  18. x2

    Slave I (2015)

  19. x2

    Temple Escape (2008)

  20. x2

    Jedi Starfighter & Vulture Droid (2005)

  21. x2

    The Durmstrang Ship (2005)

  22. x1

    Hogwarts Express - Collectors’ Edition (2022)

  23. x1

    The Starry Night (2022)