
Plate 4 x 8



  1. x4

    Back to the Future Time Machine (2022)

  2. x4

    Robie House (2011)

  3. x2

    The Starry Night (2022)

  4. x2

    The Armorer's Mandalorian Forge (2021)

  5. x2

    Millennium Falcon (2017)

  6. x2

    Slave I (2015)

  7. x2

    Imperial Shuttle (2010)

  8. x2

    Emerald Night (2009)

  9. x2

    Space Shuttle Discovery (2003)

  10. x1

    Blacktron Cruiser (2023)

  11. x1

    Hogwarts Moment: Potions Class (2021)

  12. x1

    Vintage Car (2021)

  13. x1

    Pickup Truck (2021)

  14. x1

    1989 Batwing (2020)

  15. x1

    Hyperspeed Pursuit (2009)

  16. x1

    ETX Alien Strike (2007)

  17. x1

    MX-71 Recon Dropship (2007)

  18. x1

    T-1 Typhoon vs. T-Rex (2005)

  19. x1

    Hogwarts Express (2001)

  20. x1

    Wheeled Front Shovel (2000)